
Cyngor Cymuned Trewalchmai Community Council

Bydd Cyngor Cymuned Trewalchmai yn cyfarfod yng Nghanolfan yr Henoed ar nos Lun cyntaf o bob mis, heblaw am ym mis Awst a mis Rhagfyr, pan na chynhelir cyfarfodydd. Mae’r Cyngor Cymuned yn gwasanaethau pentref Gwalchmai yn unig, ac mae’n cynnwys 10 aelod etholedig o’r gymuned leol.

Mae’n aelod o Un Llais Cymru. Mae’r Cyngor yn gyfrifol am gynnal a chadw’r llwybrau cyhoeddus yn y pentref, ac am gynnal a chadw cloc y pentref sy’n gofeb i fechgyn ifanc y pentref a gollodd eu bywydau yn y ddau ryfel byd. Mae hefyd yn cynrychioli’r preswylwyr lleol ar Bwyllgor Cyswllt y Cyngor Sir.

Cyngor Cymuned TrewalchmaiTrewalchmai Community Council meets at the Pensioners Hall in Gwalchmai on the first Monday of every month apart from the months of August and December, when no meetings are held.   The Community Council serves the village of Gwalchmai only, and is made up of 10 elected members from the local community.   It is a member of One Voice Wales.

The Council has responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of the public footpaths in the village and for the maintenance and upkeep of the village clock, which is a memorial to the young men from the village who lost their lives in the two world wars..  It also represents the local residents at the County Council liaison committee.
